The Game Options Menu

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When one selects the Game Options button from the Main Menu, the above menu will be displayed. 

Audio Options  
From here, you can set the desired volume of the Music and Sound FX in the game, which will be saved.  Also available are the following options: 

No Music  
This will disable the Music in the game. 

No Sound FX  
This will disable the Sound Effects. 

No Party Sound 
This will turn off the sounds that your party makes. 

No Ambient Sound 
This will turn off the background sounds in the City and Dungeon. 
Note: If you alter this setting, you’ll have to restart the game for the change to take effect.

No Help Sound  
This will disable the “HELP!” sound that’s heard when a party member is near death. 

Video Options  
These options are for system settings for Video gameplay, including Detail Level Settings, Maze Scrolling Speed (“Camera Speed”), and also Disable options for Underwater Effects, Automap Edges, Auto-look, Particles and Light-Flares to speed up the game.  Options for disabling Blood effects and Obscene Language are also found here.  Also, the available Graphics Modes (which can include D3D, OpenGL and SWR (software rendering)) are shown, with the selected choice highlighted, and you can view Video Driver Information for the selected choice.

Note: If you alter the options for Detail Level Settings, Camera Speed or Automap Edges, you will have to restart the game for the change to take effect. Also, you cannot change the Graphics Mode from here; for that you must use the Render Configuration.

Files Configuration 
From here you can Back-up and Restore your game. This feature was built for security.  It allows the player to back up the game data files whenever necessary (it’s no fun playing Ascension for 500 hours and losing your data for unknown reasons).  It is up to you how often you want to back up the game data, but it’s recommended that players do it at least once every week. 

It is not recommended that players use this feature as a ‘Load & Save’ option for restoring games because of dead characters, etc. since that is not what it was intended for. 

You can also load Custom Character Portraits in this section. 

Main Menu 
This will take you back to the Main Menu. 

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